Monday, January 30, 2023

BSOS Majors in Consulting: Intro to Consulting

Event Date and Time
February 7, 2023 • 4:30pm - 6pm

3100 S. Hornbake Library, University Career Center

Feller Center in BSOS, the Economics Department, & the University Career Center

What is consulting? How can I get a job/internship in the industry? How can I prepare myself for the application process? As a BSOS Major, what unique qualities can I highlight?
Get answers to these questions and more on February 7th from 4:30-6pm in the University Career Center. This paneled event is designed to give students an overview of the consulting field and a close-up look at the different industries within. Don't miss out on this great event!

Confirmed Panelists:
  • Dr. Kenneth Yusko, Co-Founder - Siena Consulting | I/O Psychology Consulting
  • Roman Iwachiw, CEO & Co-Founder - FI Consulting | Financial Consulting
  • Additional Panelists TBA
Questions? Please contact Ronda Anstead, Career Specialist, at or Gabe Pickett, Career Outreach Specialist, at