Monday, June 24, 2024

Economics Mentoring Program

Many students interested in an economics PhD experience disparate degrees of support in the application process. The Economics Mentoring Program (EMP) aims to mitigate these gaps by helping students from underrepresented groups connect with graduate student mentors in the economics PhD programs at Duke, Harvard, MIT, and Stanford. These mentors can provide:

  • Advice on graduate school and fellowship applications, including questions about the application process and feedback on application materials.
  • Information about economics research, life as a PhD student or in an academic career, for students who are deciding whether a PhD in economics is the right choice for them.

EMP aims to increase the pipeline of diverse talent in economics PhD programs and welcomes participation from all groups underrepresented in economics, including but not limited to: Black, Hispanic-Latin, Native American, low-income, and LGBTQ+ students, women, students with disabilities, and students who are the first in their families to go to college. We welcome participation from:

  • Students at various stages of their economics studies, including undergraduates and college graduates. 
  • Students who are curious about the academic economics experience and interested in figuring out if it’s right for them. 

Applications for the program will open in June. Mentorship will begin over the summer and continue through Fall 2024. Mentees who prefer to meet for a single “coffee chat” may indicate their preference on the form. We will do our best to match all interested applicants with a mentor; however, demand may exceed the availability of mentors.

Please note that this is a volunteer-based, student-run program. This program is not considered part of the admissions process for any economics PhD Program, nor will any student's participation in the Program be considered by the graduate admissions committee at any school.

Please direct any questions to To join the program, please fill out this form.