The AppliedEconomics Interview Day offers talented Economics students the opportunity
to network and interview for internships and full time positions. Employers
include government agencies, private firms and NGOs who engage in public policy
analysis and/or market research regarding domestic and international issues.
Participating Organizations:
- Edgeworth Economics
(Economic Consultant- entry level; summer internships)- Now accepting applications from Juniors!
- US Environmental
Protection Agency - National Center for Environmental Economics (Research
Assistants- informational interviews); Fellowships and Summer
Internships for entry level, post doc/fellowship)
- Optimal Solutions, LLC
(several Research Analyst and Research Intern positions)
- The World Bank Group
(conducting informational interview master's level students)
- American Institutes for
Research (Data Reporting Analyst- 4 openings for master's level/entry
level students)- Now accepting applications from
- Social & Scientific
Systems (several Research positions- entry level; master's level;
full-time and part-time)
- U.S. Small Business
Administration (Economic Research Fellow, Research Economist Intern; entry
level and undergraduate internships)
Students must complete these steps to participate
1. Review these resume development resources and make
updates to your resume: resume sample, create skill based bullets (examples), resume tips, cover letter example/tips.
2. Log
onto Careers4Terps and type “Applied ECON 2015” in the
search box to identify available positions and organizations.
3. Select
positions for which you are interested and potentially qualified.
4. Submit
a resume (and cover letter if requested) to each position of interest to be
considered. (Instructions
for applying). Resume Submission Deadline date: September 30th at 11:59
Contact the University Career Center if you have a question
about using Careers4Terps at 301-314-7225.