Children of Color Lab:
We are currently recruiting students to work with Dr. Oscar
Barbarin, and Dr. Sophie Aiyer, in our newly founded lab, focusing on children
of color. We are currently working on projects in the following areas: (a) math
programs and interventions; (b) socioemotional development; (c) universal
mental health screening; (d) using apps to promote math and reading
proficiency. Further, we would like students to be capable of devoting a
minimum of 3-5 hours per week to the lab. As lab members, students will gain
experience in the following areas: working closely with both senior and junior
faculty members; conducting comprehensive literature reviews; coding and
entering data; manuscript writing and the review process.
If you are interested in applying, please contact either Dr.
Barbarin (, or Dr. Aiyer
( with a brief description
of your background and interests. We look forward to hearing from you!