Monday, October 12, 2020

BSOS Career Chats: Economics


Event Date and Time
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - 3:00 pm to Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - 3:30 pm

Location: Virtual - ZOOM Link to be provided after registration

Morgan Williams, ECON '20 will share experiences learned as a Young Associate at the OECD - OCDE in the Employment, Labour, and Social Affairs Directorate. At the University of Maryland, she was involved in the FIRE Program, Federal Fellows Program, the BA/MPP Program, and was a teaching assistant for ECON305 and ECON 422. She had internships at IPSOS, The US Census Bureau, The Coalition on Human Needs, and on political campaigns. She hopes to share advice with students who are interested in pursuing a career in research and would like advice on exploring options.

Attend these short virtual BSOS Career Chats to:
  • learn about a new career field;
  • make a new contact;
  • gain application tips for your industry of interest.
For more information:

Questions? Contact:

You will be muted upon joining the Zoom meeting. You will have the opportunity to submit questions using the chat function.