Tuesday, September 7, 2021

New Mentoring Program for ECON Undergrads

At any time, getting started on a career path is difficult. This is even more true as we transition into a life where we are in-person, but the world continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. It is natural to be overwhelmed by this, and not know which direction to go in. These challenges are to be expected even for the most diligent and prepared students.

Fortunately, there is a wonderful opportunity available. There is a group of successful UMD Economics alumni who are very enthusiastic about giving back to our community. They have generously volunteered to participate in our mentoring program for our students. Students enrolling in this program will be paired with one of these alumni. Their purpose is to engage in a friendly, one-on-one manner to help guide their mentees through the challenges of starting a career. This will include help making decisions, networking, applying for jobs and internships, and finding opportunities and resources.

There are no GPA requirements for this; all are welcome and we strongly encourage transfer, first generation, those with disabilities, and underrepresented minority students to apply! The application must be submitted by September 17, 2021 at https://ter.ps/econmentor.