Volunteer and
Learning opportunities are now open for this summer and next year! The
TerpService Program in the LCSL office at STAMP currently has applications open
for students looking to serve and become involved in the local community while
gaining valuable skills and experience. Review the opportunities below and sign
up today!
Terps for
Change is a semester long commitment for students interested in learning more
about social change and social justice while volunteering in their local
community! The program consists of three components--education, service, and
reflection--which are facilitated through weekly service hours and dialogues.
You can review our different service sites as a part of the application.
To apply,
students should log into OrgSync and then follow this link: go.umd.edu/t4c to
fill out the applications.
For Summer
Session II: fill out the "Terps for Change Volunteer Application: Summer 2017". The
application closes on 6/23/2017 at 11:59pm.
For Fall 2017:
fill out the "Terps for Change Volunteer Application:
Fall 2017". The priority deadline is 9/1/2017 and the
applicaiton closes on 9/8/2017. Applicants are encouraged to apply
early to be placed into their preferred sites!
TerpService Coordinators
Students have
the opportunity to combine service with leadership development by committing to
be a TerpService Coordinator for the 2017-2018 academic year. After
training, they lead our volunteers through education, service, and reflection!
Coordinators have the opportunity to develop valuable leadership and
professional skills that are highly valued after they graduate. To apply to be
a TerpService Coordinator, students should log into OrgSync and follow go.umd.edu/t4c
to select the "TerpService Coordinator Application:
Individuals or
groups of students are encouraged to register for our TerpService Day program
for 2017-2018. TerpService Days are single Saturdays of service in the local
community. The day includes issue education, direct service with local
partners, and reflection. Breakfast, lunch, and any supplies for volunteers are
included! We have limited capacity at each site, so it pays to register
early! To register, students should log into OrgSync and
then follow this link: go.umd.edu/tsd to select a site and fill out a
form. TerpService Day dates for next fall are: Sept. 30, Oct. 14, Oct. 21, Nov.
4, and Nov. 18.
Services 24/7
For students
looking to volunteer outside of campus, our interactive online database services247.umd.edu
students to local non-profit organizations that provide volunteer and
internship opportunities. Services 24/7 is maintained by TerpService staff and
coordinators, and consists of over 300 organizations across a wide array of
service categories.
about programs and sites can be found on our website: go.umd.edu/terpservice
remember: **You must be logged into Orgsync to view the applications**