An award of $1,000.00 will be presented at the College’s Faculty Staff Recognition Reception on Wednesday, April 22, 2015.
All advisors in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences including all faculty, College, and departmental advisors are eligible except those who have received the award during academic years 2008-2014.
To nominate a person for the award, send a letter of support to the College’s Advising Center that includes the nominee’s name and department and the nominator’s name, address, telephone number and relationship with the nominee (e.g., advisee, supervisor, co-worker, etc.).
Student nominators are encouraged to describe how the advisor has assisted them both academically and personally and why she/he merits special recognition. This is the most important part of the nomination. It is on the basis of this information that the award will be granted. Nominators are encouraged to solicit letters from others who are familiar with the nominee’s work. The College does not narrowly define the criteria for excellent advising. Rather, the nominator determines the attributes and behaviors that she/he believes constitute consistently excellent service. Examples of attributes that nominators may want to consider include (but are not limited to) the following: accessibility, dedication, problem-solving skills, dependability, communication skills, motivation/attitude, knowledge/skills and innovation.