Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Hamilton Project - Research Assistant & Internship Openings Summer 2013

The Hamilton Project (THP), an economic policy group based at the Brookings Institution in DC, has three research assistant positions that will open up this summer and we are seeking highly qualified candidates for these slots. Our RAs research a variety of policy areas and communicate with leading academics, policymakers, and practitioners to help identify potential topics for The Hamilton Project’s discussion papers. They also draft THP policy briefs and other public documents, and assist with editing and production of THP discussion papers.

 For students interested in applying their skills in the policy arena, this is a great opportunity.  Past Hamilton RAs have gone on to government service (White House National Economic Council, Council of Economic Advisor, and Treasury), and several are currently pursuing PhDs in economics at MIT, Harvard and Berkeley.

The RA job description can be found here.  

Additionally, THP is also looking for current undergraduates to serve as summer interns. More information about our internship program can be found here.