Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Complete Health Information Survey and Enter Prize Draw

Dear students,

You are invited to participate in a survey on young adults’ health information behaviors on Facebook. If you are a Facebook user and University of Maryland undergraduate or graduate student, aged between 18 and 29, you are eligible to participate.

In this survey, we'll be asking you about your general use of Facebook and how you seek and share health information about specific health topics on Facebook. By participating, you'll help us gain better understand how young adults perceive health related information on a social networking site and how their health information behaviors are influenced by the type of information provider and the sensitivity of health topics. We estimate that it will take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete the survey.

To thank your participation, we’ve arranged a prize draw ($50 gift card) for 20 selected respondents of those who provide their email address when completing the survey.

Please go to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/fbhealthsurvey2 to participate. We'd appreciate it very much if you could complete the survey by May 27th, 2013.

The survey does not collect any individually identifiable information. Your answers are anonymous and you may discontinue at any time if you choose not to complete it.

If you have any questions, email either of us at the addresses below.

Thank you very much!


Dr. Sue Yeon Syn, Assistant Professor (syn@cua.edu)
Dr. Sung Un Kim, Assistant Professor (kimi@cua.edu)
School of Library and Information Science
Catholic University of America
Washington, DC 20064