Monday, October 22, 2018

Spring 2019 Hudson Institute Internships

The Hudson Institute is one of the oldest and most respected think tanks in the world. Founded in 1961 by Herman Kahn and headquartered in Washington D.C. the Institute offers internships in our office in Washington, D.C. to undergraduates, graduates, and postgraduate students. The Institute is currently seeking interns for Spring 2019 to support their work in a variety of areas.

International Economics and Trade Internship
The intern will support the Institute’s work on economic and political factors affecting the performance of the industrial economy of the United States. This is comprised of worker training, tax structures, regulatory issues, and international trade. In addition to being exposed to critical issues in these fields, interns will spend significant time discussing these issues with their scholar. Onsite interns also attend weekly events featuring experts from Hudson Institute and across Washington, DC. Responsibilities include: gathering data relevant to economic research topics (many involving foreign sources); putting data into visual formats using charts and graphs; assembling bibliographies for research topics and providing summaries of relevant findings; writing summaries of relevant background research for articles, speeches, and reports; and assisting in editing draft articles and reports. 

Economic Policy Research Internship
These interns will support the Institute’s work on economic and finance issues, including international economics, consumer finance, trade, and housing markets. In addition to being exposed to critical issues in these fields, interns will spend significant time discussing these issues with their scholar. Onsite interns may also attend weekly career and policy discussions featuring experts from Hudson Institute and across Washington, DC. This position is unpaid. Responsibilities include: gathering and analyzing data for inclusion in reports and articles; keeping the scholar and team up to date on recent economic developments; assisting the scholar with research projects and presentations; editing and conducting research for articles, op-eds, reports, and briefing papers; and assisting with administrative tasks and event support.

For the full list of internships and to apply, please visit the Hudson Institute website.