Friday, November 8, 2019

On Campus Student Workshops

Learning & Performance Services

From the classroom to the workplace, we're here to help take your learning and performance to the next level. The Teaching & Learning Transformation Center provides programs, resources, and training to help students apply science-based strategies to achieve their academic and professional goals.

Upcoming Workshops

Join us for interactive discussions and maybe even win a raffle prize.
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Do you want to get the best results for the effort you are putting in? It is not about how smart you are, or how many hours you study… it’s all about using the most effective strategies to get more out of the time you spend learning.
 98% of October participants agreed this workshop was helpful.

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No one does their best work at the last minute, but with so much to balance it can be hard to plan and manage your time effectively. Join us for an interactive session where you can try some strategies and tools to help you map out a schedule for success and stick with it.

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Stress is a part of life, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. Join us for an interactive workshop on strategies for reducing and managing your stress, especially in times when you need to perform under pressure.