Friday, January 3, 2020

Full-time Research Assistant Positions

Dear Students,

I am hiring pre-doctoral research assistants to join my research team to work on projects related to health economics and econometrics.  These full-time positions begin in Summer 2020, and I am looking for candidates with the potential to work for two years in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  The research assistants will work closely with me, my co-authors, and other members of my research team.

Research assistants are involved in several stages of the research process, including research design, data analysis, and writing and editing of manuscripts. Besides working directly on research, research assistants also have opportunities to attend weekly seminars in economics and to get regular feedback on their proposed research ideas. Through their experiences on the team, previous members have built strong research skills and have gone on to top PhD programs in economics and related fields.

Further details about my current research, as well as application instructions, are available on my website.  I consider applications on a rolling basis, and now is a good time to apply.

Best regards,

Amanda E. Kowalski
Gail Wilensky Professor of Applied Economics and Public Policy
University of Michigan Department of Economics
Google Voice: 202-670-7631