Friday, June 19, 2020

Advice from June 17 International Student Career Connection

Thank you to Gaby Gillespie and Linda Lenoir for moderating yesterday's International Student Career Connection Workshop. The meeting was not recorded, but here are some of the resources that were discussed. If you missed it, you can register for another similar event happening on July 10 at 9 am ET; that session will be recorded.

Below are links to many resources that were shared and discussed.

Look for on-campus jobs:

LinkedIn group for UMD international students: [Please note that the group moderators ensure new members have a UMD connection, so if your name in LinkedIn is not your name in the UMD directory, you will be messaged before you will be admitted.]

Unsure how to get started on your job search?

Making the most of your summer:

What if my summer internship was canceled because of COVID-19?
If you initially secured a summer internship that was canceled due to COVID-19, you can still list this information on your resume. See an example (Resume - COVID 19 Rescinded Offer & Project) -