Monday, September 12, 2022

Opportunity for Econ Students - Effective Altruism Club

The world faces so many problems that it can be difficult to know where to start. Effective altruism (EA) offers a framework for comparing different ways to do good and then acting on the most promising of them. Effective altruism is both a research field and a community of people, dedicated to using evidence and reasoning to work out how to help others the most.

In a complex world, economics is an increasingly powerful framework to understand the world. Whether by carefully weighing the potential economic response to a new policy, which could affect millions of lives, or by devising policy solutions to invigorate developing economies, economists have immense potential to do good. We are excited to invite you to Effective Altruism @ UMD's upcoming information session/kickoff meeting on Thursday, September 15th, from 7:30-8:30 PM in the Carver Room 3403 G (3rd floor of STEM Library). We'll talk about the frameworks we use to evaluate effective opportunities, as well as introduce our upcoming weekly discussion group. Pizza (vegan & non vegan options) will be served.

Date: September 15, 2022
Time: 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Location: Carver Room 3403 G (3rd floor of STEM Library)

Contact Person: Audrey Rappaport


We hope to see you there!


Other ways to get involved with our club include joining our Discord chat:

Or signing up for our weekly discussion sessions: