DATE OPENED: 12/22/2021 11:59:00 PM
FILING DEADLINE: 1/5/2022 11:59:00 PM
SALARY: $50,971.00 - $81,596.00/year
HR ANALYST: Audra Mack
WORK LOCATION: Baltimore City
The categories of regulated public service companies are listed below: electric utilities; gas utilities; combination gas and electric utilities; telecommunications companies; water, and water and sewerage companies; passenger motor vehicle carriers (sedans, limousines, and buses); railroad companies; taxicab companies; and other public service companies.
The Commission is empowered to hear and decide matters relating to: (1) rate adjustments; (2) applications to exercise or abandon franchises; (3) applications to modify the type or scope of service; (4) approval of issuance of securities; (5) promulgation of new rules and regulations; and (6) quality of utility and common carrier service.