Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Indonesian Adidas Workers Speak Out at UMD!

Who: Former Indonesian Adidas Workers, United Students Against Sweatshops

What: Beginning in February, United Students Against Sweatshops is conducting a nationwide Adidas worker tour with Aslam Hidayat and Heni Sutisna, two former Indonesian garment workers who sewed apparel for U Maryland and other universities at PT Kizone, an Adidas factory that shut down over a year and a half ago, leaving 2,700 workers unemployed. Since the factory closure, the former PT Kizone workers have been fighting for Adidas to pay 1.8 million in severance pay, a benefit that all companies are required to pay under Indonesian law. This Adidas worker tour event will be an incredibly powerful and informative opportunity for workers to speak directly with students and faculty about conditions in the global apparel industry and their struggle for justice.
We hope to see you there!

When: 6pm on Thursday, February 28th

Tydings 1101

For more information, visit, or contact Garrett Strain at Facebook event at: