Monday, March 27, 2023

CSIS Hiring Program Coordinator and Research Assistant

 The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a non-profit, bipartisan public policy organization established in 1962 to provide strategic insights and practical policy solutions to decision makers concerned with global security and prosperity. Over the years, it has grown to be one of the largest organizations of its kind, with a staff of some 200 employees, including more than 120 analysts working to address the changing dynamics of international security across the globe.

The Economics Program at CSIS leads the Center’s work on international economic policy, global economic governance, and the domestic economic foundations of U.S. power. Its mission is to illuminate the role of economics in foreign policy and national security and to offer practical economic policy ideas to enhance U.S. and global prosperity and security. The Economics Program has a particular geographical focus on the Indo-Pacific region.

The Economics Program is recruiting a full-time program coordinator and research assistant (PCRA) who is highly motivated, professional, and has a strong interest in international economic policy. The PRCA will assist in day-to-day operations, including event planning. outreach efforts, supporting the program’s internship program, and other administrative assistance. The PCRA will also provide research assistance on substantive projects through writing, research, data/trend analysis, and project development. This is an in-person position at the CSIS headquarters.


  • The estimated start date for this position is May 2023.
  • This posting is for a full-time role, in-person at the CSIS headquarters in Washington, DC.
  • Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled.

More information and application can be found here.