Thursday, September 29, 2016

2016-17 BSOS Diversity Advisory Council - Apply by Oct. 14!

The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSOS) Diversity Advisory Council (DAC) is made up of BSOS faculty, staff, students, and administration. The DAC serves an advisory function for the dean on matters of diversity and inclusion within the College and University. The DAC also provides a forum for the exchange of diversity and inclusion information and discussion of matters pertinent to the college community. Student representatives will serve as full members of the committee. As a representative of the DAC, students will receive excellent leadership and networking experience as they work alongside college faculty, staff, administrators, and fellow students.

The DAC student representative positions are open to both graduate and undergraduate students. The council will appoint 2 undergraduate and 2 graduate students. One undergraduate student must be a member of the Dean’s Student Advisory Council and one graduate student must be a member of the Dean’s Graduate Student Advisory Council. The other representatives will serve as “at large” student representatives. International students are encouraged to apply.

DAC meetings will be held the third Friday of each month: 10/21, 11/18, 12/16, 2/17, 3/17, 4/21, and 5/19. Meetings will be held from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. in 2141K Tydings Hall. Members are expected to attend most meetings.

How to Apply:
Interested students should apply through the following link. In the application, you must provide a short statement of interest describing how you hope to contribute to the council and a description of your leadership experience. You must email your current résumé to Ms. Amanda Allen at


Statement Prompts:
How would you contribute to the council and what interests you in serving on the council? (250 words)

Please describe your leadership experience. (250 words)

The deadline to apply is midnight on October 14, 2016.